Habits – Build your Fundamentals Strong

Building habits that serve you

Build Your Fundamentals Strong!

For the past few months, due to so many things going on simultaneously, I had a few mental breakdowns, & it is quite tough to deal with it without preparation. I realized that to deal with such situations, we must have a strong mental model, and your fundamentals create that mental model for you. Here, I am sharing mine so that you can have an idea about it.

I have broken it down into 3 things :

1. Habits

2. Relationships

3. Values

Let’s dive deep into it…..

1. Habits

i) Health set

ii) Mindset

iii) Soulset

These have been the most basic areas where humans keep on improving for centuries. But, due to social media and the internet, we consume so much content and data that our brains just can’t handle and we feel fatigued. When your Mind, Body & Soul are in sync, you’ll always remain joyful and optimistic.

 So, set habits or daily routine that helps you to nourish yourself in these 3 areas of life. For me going to the gym does the work for Healthset, reading books for Mindset, & meditation for Soulset.

2) Relationships

i) Parents

ii) Mentors

iii) Friends

When you hold a strong bond with your parents, mentor,s and friends, you’ll always have relief that there is someone who is there to help you in all the conditions.

A close friend can help you overcome toxicity, bad environment, and bad habits. Mentors will guide you whenever you feel stuck and helpless. Parents will offer you the most important thing: support. Sometimes, what we all need is just someone who says, “No matter what, I’m always with you!”

3) Values

i) Consistency

ii) Honesty (with yourself)

iii) Faith (that things will work out)

This may seem insignificant but our actions and steps that we took in the past can help us stay strong. When you are consistently putting efforts in the right direction, you know that you are trying your best, every single day! At last, faith is the force that keeps every single person keep moving forward. Even if things are not going as per plan, faith keeps you trying new things! 

You can’t avoid bad phases in your life but, if you’ve worked on these fundamentals, you’ll be well-prepared next time when some calamity hits you!

“Tough Times Never Lasts, But Tough People Do”

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