How Oopar can help you improve your social life?

Have you ever wondered what contributes to a good social life? Or what does it mean to have a high-quality social circle?

Based upon review studies of more than 80 papers, working with experts and psychologists in the field, and our insights into having a community with 1000+ members, we have found six major elements contributing to one’s social well-being and social life. Studies have shown that a person with these six parameters has a greater quality of social life, and thus leads a more happy life.

The social score quiz aims to evaluate a person’s quality of life based on these aspects of their social life. It further also gives personalized suggestions to help a person improve the quality of their social life and increase their score with time.

6 Elements of a complete social life

  1. Diversity: The theory of social networks and social capital highlights the importance of diversity in one’s social life. By connecting with people from various professions, backgrounds, and interests, you gain new insights and perspectives. This diversity not only enhances learning but also boosts cognitive flexibility and emotional intelligence. With members from 50+ different professions, at Oopar you get to expand your network and build meaningful, growth-oriented connections.
  2. Reliability: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Can you count on your friends when you need them? Trust and dependability are the bedrock of lasting friendships. Research on social support networks consistently shows that having reliable social connections is critical for mental and physical health. Reliable connections not only decrease the stress level but also help to create a more fulfilled social life. At Oopar we have deep meaningful experiences that allow you to truly connect with the community and not just add up more phone numbers to your mobile.
  3. Authenticity: Your real friends will know you more than anyone could ever know you. They would be your comfort, your safe space, and your personal listener. You can truly share anything with them. Oopar Club is a non-judgemental community, i.e., here you can be who you truly are, and people will accept you for your real self.
  4. Inclusivity:  Inclusivity helps to reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Feeling like an outsider in your own friend group can be hurtful. Everyone should feel welcome and valued. In fact, inclusive environments are linked to better mental health and lower rates of anxiety and depression. At oopar, we make sure that everyone feels included and part of the community rather than feeling left out. We also have community managers for every member to help them feel more included and safe-spaced in the community.
  5. Availability: Having amazing friends scattered across the globe is great, but it’s essential to have friends you can hang out with in person regularly. Imagine wanting to go on a movie, but all your friends are busy. A good social circle is one that’s accessible and available when you need them. At oopar, you can easily find people within your city, and at a very approximate distance. Sometimes you can also find community members to be living in your neighbour hood! And you can always catch up with these folks!
  6. Inspiration: You would have heard the famous quote, that says “you are the average of five people you spend time with.” It’s important to surround yourself with people who encourage you to be your best self. At Oopar you will find lots of stories of people who will inspire you. You can also participate in our growth-based challenges and build positive habits for yourself.

Our social life and social circle are more than what we think. It largely shapes us, our thoughts, and sometimes even our perspective of seeing the world. Thus it becomes really important to have a healthy and wholesome social circle that not only inspires you, but is also available for you, and makes you feel included.

The vision of oopar club is to exactly help individuals with that, to have a meaningful community, where we bond over interests and intentions. Where we could deeply connect with people and have more meaningful conversations with them.

More than 85% of Oopar members have improved their quality of social life over some time and consistent community interactions, this has also given them a more than average social score. Get your journey with Oopar started today!



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