
I truly never believed in the power of manifestation, until recently when I experienced it myself. There are so many things that we all want to do or someone we want to be but the real question is how badly we want it, what is the limit that we would cross to be there where we want to be. Do we have enough guts to go beyond our limits, the limits which are just imaginary boundaries in our mind? We, humans, can create or achieve anything we want if we set our minds to it.

I moved to this city with lots of hopes and dreams but when I came and saw the reality, it was different,  it took me months to realize that I am not what I thought I have become, I was so deep under the water that I could not understand that I am drowning as I had gotten used to it. It took me one break up and a few months of struggle to that the problem was never with the place or people around me, it was always me because I was not accepting it.

The moment I realized this my journey of manifestation started, the first step was acknowledging that there is a problem and it was not outside, it was inside, the next step was to understand what it is and the mitigation steps, basically soul searching. I started reading, attending events, and meeting new people (as I have always loved meeting new people and talking to them), I have not gone out like this in years, I was afraid for once to show myself in public because I was so underconfident. I met people who judged me, some who appreciated me for being so open-minded and kind. Gradually, I started taking accountability of my situations, things which were not in favor of me, either I convinced myself that this is how it is or I found a way around it, and started taking care of my health and body. And the best part is while I was trying to find myself in this, I experienced or enjoyed doing things that I did not know I wanted and now they have become an essential part of my life.

The power of manifestation is so strong and impactful that when you are doing those things you tend to lose track of time. Earlier I used to sulk because I had so much time and nothing to do and once, I started doing things that I have always wanted to do, more and more of such things started coming my way. I started meeting new people, more importantly, good people and I could share my story with them and they could share their stories with me, as if everything started falling into place.

God helps those, who help themselves. So if you really want something you just need to ask for help and the entire universe will be there to help you, it’s like SRK said in OM shanti Om, “Agar kisi chij ko poori shiddat se chaho toh poori Qaynat tumhe usse milane ki koshish me lag jaati hai” and that is what manifestation is. No one can stop you from getting what is truly yours, you will reach where you are meant to be, at times we do not see it at that moment when we don’t get what we wanted and think life is being hard on us, who said life is easy, it will always be hard, we just need to make it worthwhile. I was reading something the other day and it was beautifully written, I might not do justice to it, yet I will write it anyway, sometimes life steers you in a direction where you do not see the destination and you feel lost which is perfectly fine, but have faith and trust in yourself that you will be what you are meant to be.

I am not sure yet where I am meant to be but I am ok not knowing that because I am learning to enjoy the process of walking down a road where the destination is not clear but have faith in myself and the supreme power who is watching over me that I will be what I am meant to be and I will get all those things in my life which I deserve. It’s not like I am always happy when things don’t go the way that I want them to, but yeah I am getting better at reminding myself with each such instance that the path I am walking onto is the right one for me and these all are just small learning’s which are preparing me for something big. But I know one thing for sure, the journey that I have embarked upon will only open more doors for me to experience things that I can only imagine and even the thought of it excites me. There has always been a voice in my head that I have ignored for years and for the first time in my life, that nagging is subsided, it does surface from time to time but have a strong feeling whatever it is that I am doing, I am doing something right! I just wish we all could listen to the voice more often and let it guide us.


  1. It is beautifully written and summarizes the mental state of almost all youngsters today who are lost and finding their way out. Kudos! The article’s relatability adds to its impact, allowing young individuals to connect with these experiences and mentioned challenges .

  2. I think the bravest thing we have to do in life from time to time is to accept to ourselves the issues that are inside & mend them, looking at your mindset grow is definitely inspiring, Keep growing & shining 🌟

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