
In a distant realm where desires roam,

I set my sights on a far-off home— 

A place where peace and health entwine, 

And genuine friendships are easy to find!  

I’ve tried to manifest a peaceful mind, 

But found my thoughts in quite a bind— 

Between the chores of adulting – the laundry, the bills, the taxes and work, 

I had nearly lost my inner spark.

I’ve visualized a salad bowl, 

But pizza’s call has claimed my soul— 

“A healthy life”, I promised myself, “soon”! 

“But for now, let’s eat the fries out of this spoon”.

I dream of friends who never leave, 

Who answer texts and is there in times of joy and grief— 

Yet when I try to plan a meet, 

My phone’s still silent, incomplete.

So, I write this poem with a grin, 

For manifesting’s tough to pin— 

It’s more than dreams and vision boards, 

It’s patience, intent, practice and occasional hoards.

I’ll keep on hoping, strive, and try, 

With laughter, love, and a pie in the sky— 

For manifesting is not simply a plea, 

It’s a joyous journey, waiting for us to unfold and see!

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