Argh..!! Pizza

Argh..!! Pizza, this cheesy circle of slices got this bon vivant soul disgruntled, but this gastronomic psyche also had 2 pizzas worth rupees 2000 in just 700.

Domino’s which is popularly known for mid-range pizzas having obese corners, on the spur of the moment launches some majestic pizzas having a thin crust, bocconcini, parmesan cheese, and a lot of other magnificence, meant only for affluent folks. I apologize to break your heart but you can’t afford this ring of pies to gratify your hunger pangs. Are you seriously going to outlay a thousand bucks for a medium size pizza? I mean you are already screaming at the petrol price seated at 100 bucks/litre.

Without beating about the bush, let’s jump on the bandwagon, so it was Sunday afternoon, when I bumped into a video of a food vlogger where he was trying these recently, launched pies. The gourmet inside me initiated delectable cravings to order the Burrata Pesto Gourmet Pizza which grabbed my attention. The price of this medium size pizza stands at rupees 999, lone I certainly can’t envisage spending such a humongous amount so I made a deal with my bunkmate who also happens to be a gastronome like me hence, 500 per person, cheers! a great deal.

We waited for our appetite to get enhanced so that we could relish each and every particle of the savory cheese and the burrata cream. Burrata cheese exclusively makes this pizza pricy. It hails from Italy and is known for its delicate, soft texture and rich, creamy flavor. It looks like a huge momo having exterior and interior parts. The exterior of the cheese is typically smooth and slightly elastic while the interior is oozy and voluptuous.

The clock meter was hitting nine and our hunger was on cloud nine so it was time to place the order. I could already imagine the burrata seeping through the elastic walls and spreading over the pizza with the olive oil and herbs being sparkled all over the slices.

Urgh! Dude, domino’s gives a 30-minute delivery guarantee to their customers but it was already an hour clocked but alas! no sign of pizza yet. It was unanimously frustrating, the customer support staff was not responding, and we were literally baffled with anger and distress. We tweeted our concern on Twitter, and they took our contact details and asked us to have patience till their customer executive reached out to us. The clock paced to 10:30 PM, one and a half hours already passed, and no glad tidings yet. No one reached out to us even after tweeting, we kept trying the support staff number and hell yeah finally someone responded. We wanted to riotously squall at them but we kept ourselves tranquilized, as we knew that we were going to be compensated for all the agitation they had created in those hours of time.

It was now the time to be diplomatic and negotiate with an international brand. The first and foremost thing was the pizza which we did not receive until then, this put us way ahead in the dialogues. They did not foretell about the exact amount we would be remunerated but we thought that they would at least be returning half of the bill amount.

No sooner did we have our talks with the staff, than the delivery boy was at our doorstep with the pizza, waiting for us with a creepy smile, “Sir, my bike’s fuel got over, hehehe.” Who the hell in this world takes 2 hours to refuel the bike? We didn’t lose our cool as we were yet to be compensated, the customer executive called and told us that we would be getting rupees 300 as a refund. We tried to diplomatically handle the circumstances but phew, they have a policy of refunding a maximum of rupees 300 under the mischance.

Is the anecdote over? Remember we had 2 pizzas worth rupees 2000, so how did that happen? How do the 2 circles of pies come into the picture?

Let’s take the pizza into the room first. Spreading the pizza across the table, we abruptly realized that the main ingredient i.e. burrata which made us order a 1000 rupees pizza was missing. Really? After paying a thousand and waiting for 2 hours, this was the only thing that remained to happen? My roomie became turbulent, the beads of the perspiration and the violence could outrightly be highlighted on his face. He made a call and yelled at them like a terrorist. He could literally massacre the Domino’s staff for this. The store manager was horrified by his raging and giant voice, now was the time to calm down and bring diplomacy again into the picture, we politely enunciated that the pizza is already cold and till the burrata arrives, it would become ice cream in this cold weather. We asked for a complete refund but they were not ready to proceed, but tactfully we convinced them to send another hot pizza with burrata cheese.

At this point of time, we did not have any idea that we would be serving two pizzas to ourselves, we had the impression that the delivery boy would take back the colder pizza, though the pizza was not that cold, we made up a few things because we were not refunded the right amount we deserved.

The new and hotter pizza came and this time with burrata. Luckily, the delivery boy did not ask us for the former pizza. Our joy was in seventh heaven.

Spreading the pizza at the table, and putting the burrata at the center, we sliced open it and the burrata cheese revealed a cascade of luscious cream and curd that were both rich and indulgent. We drizzled the olive oil and the herbs all over the cheese and the pizza.

It was a truly divine culinary experience that is sure to delight the senses.

One comment

  1. The way he’s described his experience, I’m definitely trying the same flavour next time I have a pizza.

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