Tips to take care of your mental wellbeing while working from home

You’ve got your workspace just the way you like it, and you’re crushing it with your clients. But then it hits you—when was the last time you had a conversation with someone who wasn’t on a screen? A week ago? Whoa, it’s time to change that!

Working from home is awesome, right? You can make your own schedule, skip the traffic, set your rates, and even rock your pajamas while you work. But let’s face it, the flip side is that it can get pretty lonely. We all need human interaction—even the most introverted among us need some face-to-face time!

But don’t worry, there are plenty of easy ways to stay social when you work from home. Just a little planning can help!. Check out these fun ideas you can fit into your busy freelance life!

Begin Your Day with Some Friendly Interaction

Kick off your day with a touch of social interaction. A quick call to a friend, a chat with a neighbor, or a message to a colleague can set a positive tone for your day. This little social warm-up energizes you and helps build and maintain relationships, even when you’re working remotely.

Talk to Someone New Daily

Think of your social skills as a muscle—the more you use them, the stronger they get. Aim to have a genuine conversation with at least one new person each day, whether it’s the barista at your coffee shop, a librarian, or someone you compliment. These small interactions can make a big difference, helping you practice small talk and making it easier to connect with others in your field. If you’re an introvert, start small and build your confidence gradually.

Try Out a Coworking Space

If you’re missing the office vibe, coworking spaces can be a great solution. They offer a productive environment and opportunities to mingle with fellow remote workers. Use common areas, join events, and strike up conversations—you might meet a new work buddy or valuable networking connection. Just keep in mind that coworking spaces can be pricey, so check out different options that fit your budget.

Join a Local Community to Make Friends

Frequenting the same coffee shop, library, or café helps you build rapport with regulars, fostering friendships and a sense of community—especially useful if you’re new to a city. It’s also a great way to meet like-minded individuals. Oopar Club’s local chapters and interest-based groups make it easy to find your tribe. Whether you’re into fitness, arts and crafts, or personal development, you can connect with others who share your passions.

Plan Social Activities to Recharge

One of the perks of working from home is flexibility, but it’s easy for work to creep into your personal time. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, make an effort to unplug and plan social activities after work. Whether it’s a virtual happy hour, a walk in the park with a neighbor, or a new hobby class, these activities help you recharge and keep your social life vibrant.

Spend Time Volunteering

Volunteering not only helps others but also provides an opportunity to meet people who share your values. Look for community opportunities that resonate with you, such as helping at a soup kitchen, tutoring kids, assisting at an animal shelter, participating in park or beach cleanups, or building homes for those in need. Volunteering can lead to new friendships and skills while giving back to your community.

Our Take

Working from home offers incredible flexibility, but it can also lead to feelings of isolation. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can stay connected and maintain a fulfilling social life. Remember, social activities are just as important as your work tasks—they help you recharge, avoid burnout, and keep your connections strong.So, go ahead and embrace these fun ideas to stay social, recharge your spirit, and foster meaningful relationships—because a little human connection can go a long way!

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