The year we are leaving behind 

(from the eyes of Ruhi, just another girl in this world) 

Seasons, Nature, People and Time, some of constants that keep changing over and over.  

Let us look at the story of Time and Ruhi, the year 2023 and Ruhi. Amongst millions and billions of people, we are entering Ruhi’s life.  

Ruhi knows someone for whom 2023 was the most significant year of their life. This person has lost in Love and lost her Love. And with love comes thousands of emotions that she was going through. She had not seen Hell before but maybe that’s how her life felt. There were questions but no answers, doubts but such that no one could answer. Why her? Every dark cloud has a silver lining and hers had too. With the help of Family, Work and little puppy she gave a new meaning to her Life. For every single thing she Lost, she gained another. She lost her Love but gained a Family that loved her like no one. For her lost self-worth, she gained a Job that recognised and rewarded the work that she put in. A four-legged baby taught her to be grateful for life, gave her selfless love and became the purpose of her life, a life that she never wanted to live. The best part, she gets to call this Baby her own. Earlier Ruhi feared meeting this person for who she was, but now is proud to meet her everyday for who she has become. She looks into the mirror each day, smiles at this person and says – Life is Beautiful. 

She was leaving behind “Herself” along with 2023 – a weaker, less grateful, sad and fearful Herself. She was also taking “Herself” to 2024 – a stronger, grateful, happy and fearless Herself. 

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