Introverts : What People Don’t Talk About Us

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In a world that often celebrates extroversion, outgoing personalities, and loud celebrations, introverts can sometimes be misunderstood or neglected. While many articles discuss the qualities of introverts, there are some hidden truths about introverts that rarely get the attention they deserve. Here are 5 things about introverts that nobody talks about. 

1. Phone Calls and Video Calls Can Feel Intrusive

For introverts, a sudden phone call or video chat can feel like an unexpected jolt to their peace. Imagine lounging at home, and then, your phone rings out of the blue. They might need some time to mentally prepare for social interactions, and unplanned calls can disrupt their day. They might prefer to schedule conversations, give them time to prepare and feel more comfortable.

2. People often avoid introverts because they think they’re boring

For Example, text them “hi” and it would take them ages just to reply back “hello” and nothing else. 

Call them and they won’t pick up your call. Instead they would text you back 5 mins later asking what’s wrong. 

If you meet them on the road or at the supermarket, they’ll take out their phone and pretend to be talking to someone else and avoid you (unless you’re one of their close friends).

That’s why some people avoid introverts, but they’re not actually boring. Just because they’re less social doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy parties and hanging out with their more outgoing friends. Introverts can definitely enjoy partying and having fun, just like anyone else. The key difference is that they might prefer smaller, more intimate gatherings over big, loud events. They enjoy spending time with close friends and engaging in meaningful conversations. At parties, introverts might take breaks to recharge in a quiet corner or step outside for a breath of fresh air. They can appreciate the excitement and energy of a party but also value having time to themselves to relax and unwind.

3. They Sometimes Find Themselves Alone When They Need People

Introverts often enjoy solitude, but there are times when they need support and connection with others. While they may appear self-reliant, they value meaningful relationships and deep connections. It’s important for their loved ones to check in and offer support when needed.

4. Conversation Isn’t Always Easy For Them

Talking to others can sometimes be challenging for introverts. Their minds might overthink what to say or how to keep a conversation flowing smoothly.

Whenever they try to talk to other people their brain ruins the plan. Their brain will find ANY reason to not talk to the person. So, for the most part, the only way for them to make conversation is to act immediately after the thought of talking to someone comes to mind. This usually ends up with them stumbling through their words and ruining the conversation. 

To help introverts start conversations or start them on their behalf, approach them with empathy and understanding. Begin by choosing a topic of mutual interest or a shared experience, as it can provide a comfortable entry point for the conversation. Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share their thoughts, and give them time to respond at their own pace. When you show genuine interest in their responses and provide a safe, non-judgmental space for them to express themselves, they feel more at ease participating in the conversation. Offering gentle encouragement and validating their perspectives can help introverts gain confidence in engaging with others.

5. They Need Some Alone Time to Recharge

You are familiar with charging your cell phones.Right?? 

After using it for a certain time, the battery runs out, so you need to charge it. But what if you have no access to electricity? The battery runs out, so you can no longer use it.

Similar case.

Though introverts have a habit of spending certain time alone to recharge themselves, spending a lot of time with people literally blows their steam off.

Solitude allows them to reflect, pursue their interests, and prepare for future social interactions. This time alone is essential for their well-being and helps them maintain balance.

Wrapping Up

Introverts have rich inner worlds and unique perspectives. Although they may approach social interactions differently than extroverts, they offer thoughtful insights and deep connections. By giving introverts the time and space they need, we can appreciate their amazing personalities and learn from their perspective. 

So next time you’re with an introvert, take a moment to truly listen and understand their world—you may be pleasantly surprised by the depth and richness they bring to the conversation.

At Oopar we understand that different personality types have different social needs. Our community is designed to ensure not just extroverts but even introverts can thrive socially. If you are someone who is looking to ease into a social life, we are here for you!

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