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Geeking on Philosophy

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Hey there, fellow deep thinker! If you're looking for a conversation that will challenge your thinking and make you question everything you thought you knew, philosophy is the perfect topic for you!

We're talking about the big questions here, folks - the ones that have kept us scratching our heads. What is your puspose, really? Can we ever really know anything for sure? And what's the deal with morality, anyway? But don't worry - philosophy isn't all doom and gloom. 

We'll also be exploring some of the weirder and more fascinating ideas that philosophers have come up with over the years. Did you know that Plato believed in an invisible world of ideal forms? Or that Nietzsche thought that morality was just a way for weak people to control the strong?

So whether you're a seasoned philosopher or just dipping your toes into the world of deep thinking, join this event with your gang for a lively discussion on some of the most interesting topics in philosophy. Who knows - you might just end up with a whole new perspective on life!

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