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Navigating Love Languages with Oopar

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12:30 PM

What is this about?

Love has its own definition and language ~ different interpretations for each of us. Let’s explore the idea of love and the different love languages that exist, and that can help us understand ourselves and our loved ones better. This session will delve into the intricacies of expressing and receiving love, offering insights, tips, and resources for building stronger connections.


Why should you join?

👉🏼 To understand different perspectives on love.

👉🏼 Understand yourself and others better by understanding

👉🏼 Create deeper connections by understanding different love languages and means of expressions


Who should join?

Join if you

👉🏼 like discussing and understanding love.

👉🏼 Want to understand your loved ones and your own selves better.

👉🏼 Seek to build beautiful connections.

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love languages